I'm having trouble setting up my debit card

Sorry you're experiencing issues with setting up your debit card. Can you please check:

  • You have at least £2 on your card. This is needed for the active card check (don't worry, this is reversed straight away).

  • You are authorising the active card check via your banking app or security code.

  • You have no pending transactions on your card.

  • Your phone isn't "jailbroken" (you may need to reset your factory settings).

  • You have the latest phone operating system software, and the latest SteadyPay app update installed.

If you've made more than 3 attempts, your bank may have put a temporary block on your card. Typically for 24 hours. You can try again after that or you contact your bank and ask them to unblock your card. 

If you're still having trouble, please contact us.


How do I update my card / payment details?


I can't see the early top-up button